Condon's Gracious Response

I just picked this up at The Envelope. "Dreamgirls" director Bill Condon, snubbed twice today by the starf*cking Hollywood Foreign Press Association (for writing and directing his film), released a classy statement appreciating the recognition of the film's talent:
"It's a real kick to get this kind of recognition on the day before we open, and I'm especially excited for Beyonce Knowles, Eddie Murphy, and Jennifer Hudson," he says. "'Dreamgirls' is a movie about performers, so to have three of our cast members honored feels very nice. I'm also delighted that Henry Krieger, who wrote the original show, has been nominated for his new song, 'Listen.'"
Why don't the *F HFPA nominate Jamie Foxx as well?
He's a big Oscar winning STAR?
Posted by: numberina
| December 14, 2006 04:30 PM
Maybe it has to do with their overall feeling toward the film. It did miss out on a number of spots people were predicting, after all.
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| December 14, 2006 05:09 PM
I'm so disappointed Dreamgirls missed out on Directing. This is a huge huge blow to its Oscar chances. I'm still bitter that you said that this film looks like a segment from VH1 / music video. The comment spreaded quickly within the IMDb...
Posted by: numberina
| December 14, 2006 05:24 PM
Oh, really? Well don't be bummed. I'm clearly in the minority.
I dont think the miss in directing is a blow to its Oscar chances. At least for nods.
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| December 14, 2006 05:37 PM
Why is this a snub when you yourself didn't care much for the film? The HFPA liked it enough to nominate in Comedy/Musical, but maybe felt, as others did, that some musicals "direct themselves." And which of the nominated screenplays would you yank in Dreamgirls favor?
Posted by: towalk
| December 15, 2006 05:42 AM
It seems incredibly strange that they wouldn't nominate Condon (or anybody for that matter) yet they nominated Eastwood for a second time in the same category for a movie that they didn't nominate for Best Picture. Very strange.
I like to think the snubbing of Jamie is his comeuppance for being a one-man showboat band throughout the 2004 season. What a wank.
Posted by: KamikazeCamelV2.0
| December 15, 2006 06:59 AM
The HFPA just couldn't make up their mind as to which film is better in terms of direction so they nominated both. They have lost all credibility with their stupidity. I think the Guild awards are more reliable than the "star-studded" GGs.
Posted by: numberina
| December 15, 2006 11:29 PM