Oscarwatch's DGA Pundit Prediction Chart
The diligent Sasha Stone of Oscarwatch.com has polled some of the online pundits out there in cyberspace and inquired as to who they're predicting for DGA nominations tomorrow morning. Lots of hub-bub surrounding tomorrow's announcement, and with due reason. The DGA is the single best predictor of the Academy's Best Picture line-up, scoring 100% for the past four straight years.
The concensus seems to be Iñárritu, Scorsese, Condon, Eastwood, and Frears (alphabetical by film, so remember that before you lose your shit when the first two or three names are called).
Here's Sasha's chart, but go take a look at Oscarwatch where the discussion continues!
Oscarwatch's DGA Pundit Prediction Chart
In Contention's DGA Predictions and Discussion
I've had to train myself to expect the Oscar nominees alphabetically by film but I thought the DGA went alphabetical by name?
Regardless, I won't be in the room hearing them announced so it won't matter. ;)
This is the king of all prediction bodies so the next three-and-half hours will be tense.
Posted by: Gerard Kennedy
| January 9, 2007 06:40 AM
I'll add that I would boringly agree with this consensus lot, especially as the DGA hasn't given us an exciting surprise in five years.
Though Greengrass is obviously a distinct possibility.
The likes of Cuaron and Del Toro seem to be more AMPAS fodder than DGA.
Posted by: Gerard Kennedy
| January 9, 2007 07:18 AM