"Pan's Labyrinth" Wins with NSFC
The haughty-taughty National Society of Film Critics announced their winners today, and in most cases, it's a predictable rundown. The winners:
Best Picture
"Pan's Labyrinth"
Best Director
Paul Greengrass, "United 93"
Best Actor
Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland"
Best Actress
Helen Mirren, "The Queen"
Best Supporting Actor
Mark Wahlberg, "The Departed"
Best Supporting Actress
Meryl Streep, "The Devil Wears Prada" and "A Prairie Home Companion"
Best Screenplay
"The Queen"
Best Cinematography
"Children of Men"
Best Experimental Film
"Inland Empire"
The biggest boost here is for Mark Wahlberg, surprisingly taking the Best Supporting Actor win away from Jackie Earle Haley. Meryl Streep gets classification in the category she's supposed to be in, and at least her wonderful work in "A Prairie Home Companion" finally got some love.
Elsewhere, Forest Whitaker and Helen Mirren continue their precursor domination, while "Pan's Labyrinth" might have made a further surge into potential Best Director or Best Original Screenplay territory.
We'll be back in the thick of it with another Oscar column on Monday.
I really reckon Meryl would have won if she went Supporting. I think she is lead, but it's one of those roles where it could go either way depending on my mood.
If she had gone supporting I reckon we would have seen a few more joint wins for her cause, as you say, her role in Prairie was just sublime.
Posted by: KamikazeCamelV2.0
| January 7, 2007 06:07 AM