Emmanuel Lubezki: The "Tech Support" Interview

One of the most dazzling technical achievements of the year has been, seemingly without question, Alfonso Cuarón’s “Children of Men.” Capturing a bleak and not so distant future through the spectrum of war-torn London, the film has been a towering achievement in pretty much every field we’ve outlined here at “Tech Support” throughout the season. And, as the Oscar ceremony rapidly approaches, one of the categories seems to have been long relegated to this, one of the most critically acclaimed films of the year.
Emmanuel Lubezki’s duties behind the camera on the film might immediately be described as harrowing if not monumental. Work that has already garnered him BAFTA, LAFCA and NSFC awards for Best Cinematography, some are quick to point out that “Children of Men”’s visual intensity will be taught in film schools for years to come. As such, the opportunity to talk with the man responsible for such a barrage of adjectives is one to relish indeed.