Concerning the Con

There are more than a few things I'm somewhat excited about seeing at this year's International Comic Convention in San Diego, beginning tonight with a three hour preview. Paramount's setup tomorrow will include 20 minutes of Robert Zemeckis's "Beowulf," for starters, some Indy IV stuff and according to one source, a look at Tim Burton's "Sweeney Todd." An interesting George A. Romero spotlight and interview later in the afternoon. Also tomorrow night is the premiere of the DC animated "Superman Doomsday," during which it is rumored the teaser for "The Dark Knight" will pop up.
Friday is the big Warner Bros. presentation in Hall H, potentially revealing the "Dark Knight" teaser among other goodeis. Neil Gaiman will show up for his perennial spotlight around 2:00.
Let's see, Saturday there's some geeky comic fanaticism for me to sink my teeth into, some "Simpsons" shenanigans, a Ray Bradbury/Ray Harryhausen event that could be fascinating, some Robert Heinlein showcase in the evening, and Sunday, well, there wasn't much that appealed to me.
And that's the once over I gave this thing last night to decide which events I'd like to take in from the MASSIVE amount of shit going down in San Diego this weekend. And frankly, even speaking as a comic book lover, this is too much. This event has gotten out of hand, studios have turned it into another playground to launch product for a niche to which they despeartely want to appeal, yada yada yada. You've heard all that before. I guess my point is, beyond the hope and expectation for a "Dark Knight" trailer, I'm not totally amped about drifting down the 5 freeway tonight and taking this meccha in for the first time since I moved out west.
I'll do my best to report back on what I DO see, probably in most cases at The Blog, though something long-form might force itself out of me in this space. In any case, so to everyone who might be hitting the con as well this week, safe travels and have fun.