Oscar Coverage Announcements

A few notices in the way of dates for those awaiting Oscar coverage.
I forced myself to stay away from July and most of August this year, as consistent Oscar coverage has no place in those months beyond wheel-spinning speculation (I ought to know). That isn't to say I won't be offering the obligatory "Most Anticipated" piece in the coming weeks, or some pre-Toronto knick-knacks. But weekly Oscar columns will begin on Monday, August 27. Gerard's "Tech Support" columns will begin the same week, on Thursday, August 30. A shortened schedule will probably be what the doctor ordered for each of us.
Brian's screenplay coverage will continue on a weekly basis at "Page to Screen" throughout the next two months, while John's Toronto coverage will get some weekly commentary the next couple of weeks before his daily reports hit during the fest beginning Thursday, September 6.
To quote a favorite mid-90s quilty pleasure actioner: "It's coming! It's headed right for us!"
"It's already here."
I'm looking forward to your 2007 movie reviews. Michael Mann is my favorite director so naturally Miami Vice was one of my most anticipated. I remember your review of it being spot on.
Posted by: Mr. Gittes
| July 13, 2007 12:33 AM
As was your review of 2006's best movie - Children of Men! Welcome back Kris (and Gerard) and good luck with juggling the academic studies with the online journalism.
Posted by: sartre
| July 13, 2007 12:12 PM