"TECH SUPPORT": Kicking of the 2007 Oscar Season
So here we go again.
As readers may recall from last year, “Tech Support” at In Contention attempts to make up for the rather appalling lack of coverage that normally greets the categories deemed by the media to be “technical categories.”
I invite you to try to imagine “Star Wars” without John Williams’s thunderous score. I bet you can’t. Would “2001: A Space Odyssey” have been the same experience if it were not for Stanley Kubrick’s ingenious use of visual effects? How about “Citizen Kane” in the absence of Gregg Tolland’s revolutionary cinematography? (This is not to mention the number of years that the development of cinema would have been delayed had it not been for this achievement.)
From disciplines as varied as art direction and costume design, sound and visual effects, editing and cinematography, makeup and music, the technical artists quite simply bring movies to life. But seldom do they get the front page attention the “stars” of the business enjoy as the awards season pushes ahead, full steam.