11/27 Chart Update

A chart update. Finally.
Well, the absence of "Charlie Wilson's War" from all but two charts this week should give some indication as to my perception of its Oscar chances. I'm inclined to call it "Primary Colors"-lite, but regardless, at 97 minutes and feeling somewhat abridged, it's kind of turned out to be the race's ugly duckling. It's our own fault for elevating expectations, but Universal still has a very tight, easily marketable feature for the holiday season. "Hey, Merry Christmas. Remember when we fucked up in Afghanistan?? Haha." Etc.
Paramount Vantage is getting better Academy screening results for "The Kite Runner" than for "Into the Wild," which could be tricky territory for the studio to navigate. There has been no clear-cut decision from the studio to trumpet loudest for one and only one of it's trio of primed hopefuls. Some might hope for three berths, but the possibility is all too apparent for none.
"No Country for Old Men" is still an issue of discussion for those willing to discuss it, but I'm beginning to think the power of "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" might be enough for Miramax to overcome the foreign factor with voters. It doesn't hurt having Max von Sydow weeping on screen and breaking hearts as a result.
The Cate Blanchett rumor-mill was shot down by Tom O'Neil initially yesterday, though others made calls (who didn't?). So no use bringing up the supporting vs. lead brou-ha-ha.
I'll let the charts speak. "Sweeney" comes Thursday, after which all cats are out of the bag.
Main Category Charts
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2007 Films-by-Studio Rundown
Oscar Predictions Archive
Previous Oscar Columns:
11/12/07 - "11/5 Chart Update"
11/05/07 - "11/5 Chart Update"
10/29/07 - "10/29 Chart Update"
10/15/07 - "The Oil Man vs. the Demon Barber?"
10/08/07 - "Clean-up on Aisle September"
10/01/07 - "Still Anybody's Game"
09/17/07 - "Post-Toronto Update"
09/10/07 - "Notes from the Eye of a Storm"
09/03/07 - "Launching the New Season"
08/03/07 - "August Update"
07/01/07 - "The Silence is Deafening"
02/26/07 - "Forging Ahead: In Contention's Year in Advance Oscar Speculation"
And then there were two. Right now, the Oscar race for Best Picture seems pretty clear. Atonement is the definite front runner, and the film to beat. The competition are dropping like flies. Juno and Into the Wild are both too "small" to win the big prize. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly won't win, because foreign films never win in the top category. Charlie Wilson's War is to "slight" to go all the way, and No Country for Old Men, and There Will Be Blood are probably to dark, and dour for the Academy's taste. The only film left, that could possibly stand in the way of Atonement walking with Best Picture, is Sweeney Todd. If the film gets rave reviews from critics, and does good box office, it could provide Atonement with it's only real competition. Sweeney figures to get a Best Picture nomination, if for no other reason then it figures to get so many nominations in the "tech" categories, that it probably will make the final five by default (unless it becomes this years Dreamgirls). Still, Atonement should rule at the Academy Awards. It would have to do absolutely miserable at the box office (because it's already won over all the critics)for Sweeney to even have a prayer. Ocsar night could end up being a real yawner if the Academy takes to this film the way they did with the English Patient.
Posted by: Paddy
| November 28, 2007 01:37 PM
Then so be it. I am content with knowing that "Charlie Wilson's War" is not a disaster and is a good film much I expected it. I fully intend to see it regardless of it's Oscar chances.
Posted by: Roman
| November 28, 2007 01:39 PM
Sorry, forgot to comment on American Gangster's chances. I liked the film. It's solid, but just not spectacular. This film has last years winner (The Departed) working against it. I just can't see the Academy going with a "gangster" flick two years in a row.
Posted by: Paddy
| November 28, 2007 01:53 PM