Can I just say this?

I think it deserves main page attention, but Emily Blunt might be the sexiest actress on the screen this year.
Sure, I thought she was hot in that bitchy sort of way in last year's wretched "The Devil Wears Prada," but this year, in "Dan in Real Life" and, most especially, "Charlie Wilson's War" -- I've just never seen a girl set the screen on fire like that.
Alright, moving on to other matters...
Couldn't agree more! I think she has a great career in front of her.
Posted by: Jessestlr
| November 29, 2007 10:33 AM
Have you seen My Summer of Love? This was an expected turn after that. She, flat out, brings a sexual energy to the screen by simply being there... Not to mention, I think she has some real acting chops. That being said, I thought her role in Dan in Real Life was much less attractive than "Devil" and "Summer". But, I didn't care for the movie as a whole or the small, odd role she played. What's her role in CWW?
Posted by: Devin Conroy
| November 30, 2007 02:06 PM