Let's stick that neck out...

It's a weird year. No one, but no one is willing to stake a claim on who is going to win what at this year's Academy Awards. Unlike in year's past, when we were pretty sure of at least a couple of categories going into the New Year, this time around, the frontrunners are silent. As a result, I haven't even bothered with that monthly list of winner predictions over at The Blog this time around because I just have no idea what to think, folks. And I'm not the only one confused.
So with that in mind, I thought it is as good a time as any to pull my head out of the sand and make some calls. Any and all of these could be grossly wrong in the end, but you gotta go on the record sooner or later. With that, here's how I think the winners list might shake out for the 80th Annual Academy Awards:
Best Picture: "Into the Wild"
Best Director: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, "No Country for Old Men"
Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, "There Will Be Blood"
Best Actress: Marion Cotillard, "La Vie en Rose"
Best Supporting Actor: Hal Holbrook, "Into the Wild"
Best Supporting Actress: Catherine Keener, "Into the Wild"
Best Adapted Screenplay: "No Country for Old Men"
Best Original Screenplay: "Juno"
Best Art Direction: "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"
Best Cinematography: "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"
Best Costume Design: "Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
Best Film Editing: "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"
Best Makeup: "La Vie en Rose"
Best Music - Original Score: "Atonement"
Best Music - Original Song: "Into the Wild
Best Sound: "Transformers"
Best Sound Editing: "Transformers"
Best Visual Effects: "Transformers"
Best Animated Feature: "Ratatouille"
Best Foreign Language Film: "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days"
"Into the Wild" - 4
"Transformers" - 3
"La Vie en Rose" - 2
"No Country for Old Men" - 2
"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" - 2
"4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days," "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford," "Juno," "Ratatouille," "There Will Be Blood" - 1
I'd personally hate to see this as the winner list, but a lot of these can happen. I think it's impossible though for Catherine Keener to win for her role in "Into the Wild". It's getting the necessary precursors and she's overdue, but nobody is talking about her. Nobody has said she's great in the movie. I haven't heard a word. I also think two wins for La Vie En Rose is too much (I think Hairspray or Sweeney Todd will win makeup). Otherwise, yes, I could see these all conceivably happening. But could Into the Wild win with just supporting actor and song behind it?
Posted by: bblasingame
| January 3, 2008 02:14 PM
Do you think that Sean Penn's current personal situation will have any impact on "Into the Wild's" chances, and if so, would that be positive or negative?
Posted by: Roman
| January 3, 2008 02:31 PM
I sure hope you're wrong. The idea of "Into the Wild" winning any Oscars, let alone Best Picture, is too painful for me to consider.
The idea that "Transformers" will win the second-highest amount of Oscars is also scary, but you're probably correct there.
If cinematographers were voting, "Jesse James" would easily win that category. But this is the entire Academy voting, which leads me to think they might, shudder, go for the landscapes in "Into the Wild." Or maybe the camerawork in "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." But not "Jesse James." To win cinematography you need support from all across the board.
Posted by: John Y
| January 3, 2008 02:45 PM
Jesse James will do just fine across the board. It's the only likely nominee to be that postcard beauty-type of film, and the actors have already shown up in favor of Affleck. There's not much you could say against its chances right now, though I think Diving Bell would certainly be the competition.
As for Keener, blas, the buzz right now doesn't matter for wins. If it did, Eddie Murphy certainly wouldn't have lost. I'm looking ahead, what could happen down the road, and a swell of support behind Keener makes more sense to me than for any of the other nominees.
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| January 3, 2008 02:49 PM
Is everyone crazy? Of course there is a frontrunner. I don't mind predicting here and now that No Country for Old Men will win Best Picture.
Posted by: Chad
| January 3, 2008 03:55 PM
Chad, I have two words for you.
Brokeback...and Mountain.
Posted by: bblasingame
| January 3, 2008 04:14 PM
Touche, bblasinggame!
I'm glad to see I'm not the only person predicting Into the Wild as a real potential winner. I'm still predicting NCFOM, but I really feel people are underestimating Wild.
Posted by: Jessestlr
| January 3, 2008 04:17 PM
Into the Wild could pull it out, actually. If TWBB gets nominated along with NCFOM, I could see them duking it out among the same voters while Into the Wild (or Atonement or Juno) squeaking past both of them. Similar to how Adrian Brody squeaked past Daniel Day Lewis and Jack Nicholson in '02.
Also, Original Song should go to "Falling Slowly" from Once. Musically, I prefer If You Want Me, but watching the film again yesterday, I saw how that song was used to carry the soul of Once. It's almost iconic in that sense. At any rate, Once should get something, and what else would it get?
Posted by: Silencio
| January 3, 2008 05:20 PM
My Predictions (as of Jan 3).
Best Picture - Atonement
Best Director - The Coens
Best Actor - Daniel Day-Lewis
Best Actress - Ellen Page
Best Supporting Actor - Javier Bardem
Best Supporting Actress - Amy Ryan
Best Original Screenplay - Juno
Best Adapted Screenplay - No Country For Old Men
Best Score - Atonement
Best Song - Into the Wild
Best Art Direction - Sweeney Todd
Best Costume - Atonement
Best Make-up - Hairspray
Best Visual Effects - Transformers
Best Sound Editing - Transformers
Best Sound Mixing - Sweeney Todd
Best Editing - Sweeney Todd
Best Cinematography - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Best Animated Feature - Ratatouille
Best Foreign Film - 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days
Posted by: Paddy
| January 3, 2008 05:41 PM
I think Into the Wild will win something at the Oscars but not Best Picture.
I still think Falling Slowly from Once will win Best Song. Even if it doesn't win, I'm sure it will be the best song performed at the Oscars if the ceremony happens.
I do think the Coens will win Best Director but the Best Picture award is up for grabs.
Posted by: daveylow
| January 3, 2008 08:52 PM
The voters clearly don't vote for best song based on the merit of the song (well, most of the time), but a) who the biggest rock legend is (that'd be Veddar this year, surely) or b) the biggest shock value (is there something hip-hoppy?).
Posted by: KamikazeCamelV2.0
| January 3, 2008 10:56 PM
Gutsy, KT. ADMIRABLY gutsy...
Here's my take. I'm still drawing a blank on DDL since TWBB hasn't opened here yet. But everything else would be either thrilling beyond belief (TO ME AT LEAST LOL) or pretty much a best case scenario considering the direction that AMPAS will likely take.
If Marion won BA & Diablo took home OS for Juno I don't think my feet would touch the ground for weeks on end.
Hal & Catherine would make VERY deserving SA winners. Especially when you consider the alternative.
If Atonement can't make it to the finish line, I would be tremendously happy to see ITW take it.
I'd hate to think of Atonement completely shut out. But them's the breaks...
Posted by: Sherry
| January 4, 2008 01:39 AM
As of right now, I'm totally with you on the Into The Wild/Coens Best Picture/Director split, Kris. As for the actors, my thinking is DDL, Page, Bardem, and Ryan/Blanchett, but there's a lot of wiggle room there. But I think Into The Wild as the Best Picture spoiler for No Country is pretty on target.
Posted by: Joe R.
| January 4, 2008 08:50 AM
I am deeply saddened that Kris has made this prediction. I have INTO THE WILD aon my worst 10 list, and even a nomination for Best Picture would be a travesty. I am rooting for ATONEMENT, and refuse to believe at this point, that it is "faltering" just because of that SAG slight. And NO COUNTRY still has it all over the Penn vanity project. Kris, I hope you will eventually pull back this ghastly prediction.
Posted by: Sammy Juliano
| January 5, 2008 11:04 AM
Seriously? Into the Wild? A Best Picture winner that grossed under $20 million dollars? There hasn't been a winner EVER with that low of a gross from Midnight Cowboy on. I can't find most of the numbers before that.
Posted by: AJ
| January 6, 2008 12:11 PM