Oscar nominees...exhaustion gives way to relief
Boy am I glad that's all over. Now, a month of what ought to be much easier prognosticating.
My full thoughts on the morning's nominees can be found over at Red Carpet District. The sidebar has been updated with the full list of contenders, and by the end of the morning, I'll have the charts updated in the order of predicted winners.
Oh, as for predictions, I correctly guessed 67 of the 99 nominees (76 with alternates). What's that for a percentage rate? No idea. My only pitch-perfect categories were Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay, and my worst showings were in Best Original Song, Best Sound Editing and Best Sound Mixing. I laned a mere 2/5 in each.
Normally I talk to nominees on Oscar morning. But today, I can't do it. I'm spent. Need a reboot. I'll try to make sense of it all for a spell, come back at least moderately refreshed.
You made a boo-boo =(...
...Atonement got a BP nom, NOT Diving Bell/Butterfly.
Posted by: Cinemaniac
| January 22, 2008 07:07 AM
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| January 22, 2008 07:19 AM
Kris wrote: "I correctly guessed 67 of the 99 nominees. What's that for a percentage rate? No idea."
No idea? Really? Hint: 67 out of 100 would've been 67%. :)
Just busting your chops; longtime reader, first time poster.
Posted by: RP
| January 22, 2008 03:56 PM
Ha, touche. Clearly I don't think very hard about math that early in the morning.
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| January 22, 2008 04:21 PM