The Send-off...finally

Yeah...uh...sorry about that. Things just kind of turned into a ghost town around here for the last two weeks, a bit too abruptly. Midterms have kind of owned my butt for a while, but now I can finally, and properly, put a bow on the 2007 Oscar season (great...since everyone else is WAY past that!)
Gerard's piece has finally landed, which gives his mini-reactions to the tech winners. Like me, Gerard has been dealing with higher education this season (and law school has to be a hell of a lot more difficult than graduate journalism), but I have to say thank you for his hard work in spotlighting those fields this year. And what a year it was for crafts categories. I found myself jealous at times of his beat this season, so much so that I had to poach the cinematographers for that "best shots of the year" piece a few weeks back. Hopefully Gerard will forgive me.
Most of my reactions landed at Red Carpet District, but two weeks later, I feel this strange void in Oscar history. I don't quite understand why. Maybe it was the strike or other factors, but 2007 felt like the year that just...happened. I touched on this a few days ago, but honestly, I can't put my finger on why. I was unhappy with some of the major winners, but that's never brought this feeling out before. The glut of coverage this year certainly added a numbing effect, though haven't we seen that coming? Maybe the Oscars are seeming more and more (personally speaking) like a pointless exercise, and therefore, the coverage isn't as satisfying as it once was.
I don't know. Not that that's gonna stop us from blabbering on about them.
With that in mind, I thought I'd note that next year's In Contention experience will be much more streamlined. Hopefully. I'm working on a few things here and there, brainstorming this and that, but mostly, I want to develop a lighter, swifter experience on the whole. So, on that note, I'm interested as to whether there are a few skillful souls out there who'd like to join as contributing bloggers here at the ole' homestead. If you think you'd be interested, send me a shout.
With that, I'm locking up the joint. Spring break is...well, now...and I have nothing on my mind but the white sands and deep blue waters of Kauai, so enjoy your time away from the fray. We'll be back in no time.