This thing is turning out to be a melodramatic piece of garbage. Seriously, I'm feeling burned for being seven episodes deep and having that commitment to keep watching.
Caught up on these the last few weeks, and, well, it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. And again, what's with these shows that don't seem to have a life after season one? Speaking of which...
The Nine
Ugh. I stopped caring. I still watch, but I stopped caring. Are you still watching? Were you ever?
Anyway, I've bailed on the horrid "30 Rock" and still need to catch up on all the episodes of "Friday Night Lights" (for some reason, I'm not itching to do that). "Studio 60" is proving itself uneven, with a fantastic show always being followed by a scattered one for some reason. "Shark" is still a good episodic for my money and "Lost" has convinced me they're making this shit up as they go along.
Ah well, "24" isn't far off. Let's hope it's a better season than last, though. Season 5 was just a sharp turn downward from Season 4, I felt. But the ending leaves Season 6 with a bevy of possibilities.
Holy shit. Right on with every single one.
Missed four weeks of "Lost" and "The Nine", and subsequently quit on 'em.
Watching "Heroes" and "Studio 60" out of habit more than anything.
Love Tina Fey, but wouldn't even give her another chance after that "30 Rock" pilot.
And I thought I was the only one who found the prior season of "24" particularly weak.
I bow my remote before thee.
Posted by: William Goss
| November 7, 2006 03:35 AM
Ugh, I always thought Lost was just making shit up. That show was going nowhere from episode one.
All these people keep saying how much a genius JJ Abrams is but I'd like to see a show of his that didn't go to the shits after 2, max 3, seasons. Alias, Felicity, Lost...
Posted by: KamikazeCamelV2.0
| November 7, 2006 07:46 AM
Seriously Kris, reading your comments on the last season of 24 makes me wonder about your tastes regarding television. And I'm sure I'm not alone on that one.
Posted by: jose___
| November 7, 2006 10:45 AM
I'm not really concerned about your concerns about something entirely subjective like taste. And you'll find by William's comments above that I'm not exactly alone either, so where does that leave us? "Seriously," Jose...
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| November 7, 2006 12:04 PM
I like Heroes, but I can understand where you're coming from, Kris. But since when is saving the world becoming melodramatic?
Posted by: Hardy
| November 7, 2006 04:22 PM
I'm with you on the Studio 60 comments. While I still think the 'off' episodes are far superior to most other television, I haven't been wowed in the same manner as I was by Sorkin's earlier efforts. I hope it gets the chance to mature...
Posted by: Jamie
| November 7, 2006 10:10 PM