The two films everyone is waiting to hear about...
David Poland is hinting all over the place via blog entries and Gurus of Gold chart updates about his opinion on one film. The other one...well...I haven't been told I'm under embargo, but regardless, that doesn't mean I'm dying to write a full review and kill the film in question.
However, as a mover and shaker in this year's awards race, it's done for. Big ideas it has in spades, but at what feels like three hours long (I believe it's two hours forty minutes), the convolution tears at the seams of one's patience. A killer third act that seems to be another film entirely wasn't enough to save it. Drop it from your lists...
That's really all I care to say about it right now. And all of this doesn't mean the studio doesn't still have the best film of the year elsewhere in their stable to push for awards success (if they so choose).
Sounds like you're disappointed with The Good Shepherd but are giving a nudge to Universal to push for Children of Men instead. Can't wait to see that one.
Posted by: BNick
| December 5, 2006 12:53 PM
The Good Shepherd was that bad? Yikes! This was one of my most anticipated.
Posted by: cleopatrajones
| December 5, 2006 01:42 PM
Maybe The Good Shepherd is too complicated I guess. I thought Syriana was the best movie last year but everyone thought it was way too complicated to be nominated for best pic, so it wasn't. I'm still looking forward to a complex pic that is Shepherd.
Posted by: Mr. Gittes
| December 5, 2006 01:54 PM
Well of course the film in question is McG's "We Are Marshall." damn. I figured WB had oscar gold with that one.
Posted by: Feelthefelt
| December 5, 2006 02:38 PM
Gorgeous trailers don't always make a good film.
The Good German is one of them. I guess The Good Shepherd is another.
Posted by: numberina
| December 5, 2006 04:33 PM
the studio MUST change it's plan NOW, if they want something... this is the time studios are supposed to hear from oscar bloggers. Kris & Jeff Welles have spoken!, LISTEN TO THEM...
Children of Men...
Posted by: CarlinhosBrown
| December 5, 2006 07:26 PM
Kris and Jeff are just two's a little premature to say The Good Shepherd is dead and should be anyone.
Posted by: Mr. Gittes
| December 5, 2006 08:28 PM
yes it very premature, but I just think they are waiting too much, they are not supporting United 93 like I expected, at least they are not making FYC ads with "BEST PICTURE" on them, there are Children of Men ads already... the released date could have been a sign, but I can't picture them not supporting a 9/11 film, and one of the most critically aclaimed pictures of the year...
Posted by: CarlinhosBrown
| December 5, 2006 08:56 PM
I saw "The Good Shepherd" this morning, and Kris is 100% right on this one. It has great big, admirable ideas, but it couldn't be less engaging. A 2-hour and 45-minute film just can't be this flat, dry, dull and be an Oscar Contender.
Agree that they should just push the fantastic "Children of Men," my #2 of the year (my #1 is... well, just look at my user name)
Posted by: PanTheFaun
| December 5, 2006 09:41 PM
PanTheFaun, is Matt Damon's performance oscar worthy? Thanks.
Posted by: Mr. Gittes
| December 5, 2006 10:02 PM
Not in the least. Granted, his character is supposed to be relatively unemotional and unaffected by his surroundings, but by the end, I was longing for him to make just ONE facial movement. A pretty flat performance overall.
Posted by: PanTheFaun
| December 5, 2006 10:22 PM
How is Angelina Jolie? I've been hearing mixed things.
Posted by: Jamie
| December 5, 2006 11:11 PM
I'm not a fan of Jolie, but she's pretty good. Not Oscar-good (though when has she ever been?), but she's up to the task. It's odd, the trailer uses her only moment where I thought she went too far. Anyway, you won't hear anyone raving about this performance, and she's not in the film nearly as much as you'd think, but it's on par with her best work (again, not saying much).
Posted by: PanTheFaun
| December 6, 2006 01:05 AM
Don't worry..Angelina will receive her share of attention in next year's A Mighty Heart.
Posted by: numberina
| December 6, 2006 04:05 AM