Number of studios represented in top 10 list:
This is coupling Vantage with Paramount, Searchlight with Fox and Warner Independent with WB. What is noteworthy is the notion that has been floated for years about studios catering to the NBR. The long-running joke was "whoever spends the most money on catering wins Best Pic." Now, it is extremely peculiar to me that nearly all of WB's awards-hopeful product got a mention. If "The Good German" was on the list, forget about it. Just painting the picture here...
Last Best Picture Oscar Winner Not on NBR Top 10:
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Granted this was just three years ago, but the NBR never included Jackson's films on their list, and we all knew the final installment was going to clean up in the big race that year for 365 days at least. The last example before that of this occuring was in 2001, when "A Beautiful Mind" missed. And before that, you have to go back to 1988 and "Rain Man" missing the list. So, it does happen, but it is nontheless striking that "The Queen" and "Dreamgirls," especially, missed the NBR's top ten list this year.
Only Screenplay Winner to Miss Out on an Oscar Nod:
"All the Pretty Horses" (2000)
Last Best Picture Winner to Win Best Picture Oscar:
"American Beauty" (1999)
Last Supporting Actor Winner to Miss Out on an Oscar Nod:
Philip Seymour Hoffman (1999) - CORRECTED FROM EARILER
Also, it seems that the Best Supporting Actress winner has a tough time translating that to an Oscar nomination. And the last three Best Actor NBR winners also won the Oscar.
As for my predictions, I correctly guessed five of the ten on the NBR's list and a mere three of the peripheral awards. Ouchie.
Anyway, all in all it was a kooky list from the NBR, and an interesting set of winners. The Warner Bros. love remains skeptical for me, but nonetheless, I think it's clear "Letters from Iwo Jima" is in the Best Picture hunt now.
Welcome to the 2006 Oscar season.
And already I want to shoot myself.
"Letters" had better be good. If it isn't, I'm going to scream.
Posted by: Beau
| December 6, 2006 12:58 PM
Congrats, Kris. You were the first to note Letters from Iwo Jima as a serious Best Picture contender and that Dreamgirls was vulnerable. We'll always remember that.
Posted by: bblasingame
| December 6, 2006 12:58 PM
First - Kris, you are AWESOME. I have been following your commentary since oscarcentral. I know you enjoy offering up your tidbits as much as I enjoy reading them, but thanks nonetheless.
Second - Quote:
Last Supporting Actor Winner to Miss Out on an Oscar Nod:
Daniel Day-Lewis (1986)
What about Philip Seymour Hoffman (1999). He won for Magnolia and The Talented Mr. Ripley, but was absent come Oscar nominations.
Posted by: oscar_fan
| December 6, 2006 02:07 PM
FYI - In 1999, the NBR honored Philip Seymour Hoffman as best supporting actor for his work in 'Magnolia' and 'The Talented Mr. Ripley.' He did not go on to receive an Oscar nomination for either film.
Kris - what, if anything, do you think this means for 'The Queen' and 'Dreamgirls.'
Posted by: moji
| December 6, 2006 02:08 PM
Thanks guys, on the correction. Brain fart.
Moji: As for "Dreamgirls" and "The Queen," I don't think it means much for the former's no. But I do think this makes it obvious the win isn't unstoppable. As for the latter, it is still one of the Academy's favorite films of the year. This makes it a little vuklnerable, but all it takes is the LAFCA and NYFCC to bring it back to life this weekend. And, of course, the HFPA next week. This time in seven days, we'll know more about the fate of Frears's film.
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| December 6, 2006 02:41 PM
Why do people keep on making a big deal out of LORD OF THE RINGS not being on the NBR's Top Ten lists? Those films were not ready in time for the NBR to screen them. According to the documentaries for RETRUN OF THE KING, that film was not even finished until the day of the world premiere, December 1st. And if the last film to screen for the NBR this year was THE GOOD SHEPHERD last friday, then I highly doubt these guys ever saw ROTK.
Posted by: Dan
| December 6, 2006 03:34 PM
So how did it win Best Ensemble?
Posted by: Hardy
| December 6, 2006 08:05 PM
I predicted 4/10 (Departed, Babel, Notes, Veil) and correctly predicted Best Actor, Actress, Director, Foreign Film, Documentary and Breakthrough Actress so I did pretty good.
"You were the first to note ... that Dreamgirls was vulnerable."
er, not really.
Posted by: KamikazeCamelV2.0
| December 6, 2006 10:39 PM
Yes...really. Is the spillage from The Hot Blog going to erupt over here too?
Posted by: Kristopher Tapley
| December 6, 2006 11:04 PM
I only got four of the top ten which is pretty pathetic.
I did, however, get seven of the other awards which is not too bad.
However, Kris, Minghella won the screenplay award for "Cold Mountain" before going on to miss out on the Oscar nomination.
Posted by: Gerard Kennedy
| December 7, 2006 10:06 AM
You were probably the first Oscar-watching journo, but plenty of regular ordinary people (ordinary bloggers, people who respond at placed like the the Hot Blog) had been wondering about it for a while.
That's all.
Posted by: KamikazeCamelV2.0
| December 7, 2006 10:27 PM