As you can tell, I have been neglecting this blog this Fall, due to matters beyond my control, and haven't really weighed in on anything not related to "Tech Support." But I have been immensely enjoying this season, especially its unpredictability.
SAG confirmed on Thursday that we only have one lock in the Best Picture category, in "No Country for Old Men." At least seven films, arguably as many as ten, are fighting for the last four slots. When is the last time we've seen such an open race after the Globes, SAG and BFCA have all announced their nominees?
I am truly lost. (Though I suspect that if Sean Penn shows up at the DGA, "Into the Wild" is looking solid.) This whole situation could be considered frustrating, but I'm honestly really enjoying it.
Am I alone on this front?
No, Gerry. Emphatically not. I've been immersed in this craziness for 20 years now. (I've been following the Oscars since I was 10.) This is the best year that I can EVER recall. But I'd better use a qualifier. At this juncture it is. LOL In almost any other year I csn think of the bell has all ready rung by December. You know which film & which actors are winning - & you're either resigned to it or absolutely thrilled. With this season's over the top embarassment of riches, there are a million different ways it could shake out - & almost all of them would be incredible.
Posted by: Sherry
| December 22, 2007 06:23 PM
Nope, you're not alone. This has been a really great year for movies. Though I can't say I agree with all the love for NCFOM (and I know you feel the same), for the most part there have been some really lovely moments in cinema: INTO THE WILD, THE ASSASINATION OF JESSE JAMES, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, 310 TO YUMA, MICHAEL CLAYTON, all stand out as great movies and so vastly different from one another. Then you have ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE performances like Daniel Day-Lewis, Hal Holbrook, Julie Christie (even though the film lacked luster, she shined), Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, Emile Hirsch.... It truly is an embarrassment of riches as you say and I prefer for the Oscar "race" to be exciting -- at this point, I use the word "race" lightly as some of these films in contention have truly been on a MARATHON. The Diving Bell has been kickin' around since Cannes, Into The Wild has been in the conversation since Toronto. Weird year. But very thrilling and Oscar nomination morning ought to have some darn good surprises.
Posted by: elizlaw86
| December 23, 2007 10:35 AM
Actually, elizlaw86, it is Kris who was mixed on "No Country"; I am, actually, a huge fan.
But I too cannot wait until nomination morning. There are several spots open in each category that are contentious in my opinion, with Best Picture having the most of such spots.
Posted by: Gerard Kennedy
| December 23, 2007 01:17 PM