Humorously antithetical to Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s advice earlier this morning is Lee Unkrich’s approach on his “Toy Story 3” follow-up. Earlier this week Unkrich Tweeted, “Today is day one on my next project. Every day I’ll post a new photo chronicling the journey.”
Of course, not everything will be exciting. One captivating reveal, for instance, was a perfectly framed shot of Unkrich’s lunch. It would be great to do this kind of thing as performance art to show how out of control the obsession over in-production projects can be. Someone get on that.
Unkrich is supplementing his #UnkADay Twitter updates with a Tumblr site he recently launched. (I’m still fuzzy on the whole Tumblr thing. What is it, like, drawn-out Tweets and Instagraming?) Of course, with something like a Pixar project, it could actually be fascinating to chart the progress, as these films tend to take years and years to complete.
Nothing is known about Unkrich’s latest film yet. As in, nothing. He launched things with a shot of his Mac’s keyboard and a note: “The starting line.” So if you’re so inclined, follow Lee on Twitter at @leeunkrich and maybe one of these days something more exciting than his sandwich and broccoli will be there for the showing.
Side note: This is kind of related. Unkrich’s favorite film is Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining.” He dropped a lot of visual references from it into “Toy Story 3” and even bought the frightening-by-proxy sweater that the kid wears in the film…for his own son. Yeah, he’s into it. So I imagine the recent news that Stephen King will be crafting a sequel to his novel is of some interest to Unkrich.