I saw Wim Wenders’s “Pina,” an intimately photographed celebration of the work of modern dancer Philippina “Pina” Bausch, at the Telluride Film Festival in September. It has been on the circuit since February and the Berlinale, where 3D came to the art house and Guy was transfixed.
I have enormous respect for the use of 3D in this endeavor, which was chosen as the official German entry in this year’s Best Foreign Language Film race, even if modern dance is something I can’t quite digest enough to be a true lover of the film. Certainly no one has filmed dance quite like this before, removing the audience from the role of spectator and putting them into the grace and movement of the form with skill and ease. It’ll certainly make you forget “Step Up 3D” ever happened, if you haven’t already. It was a bold pick by Germany and it could yet find its way into the nominated five in the category.
IFC Films has supplied us with the final trailer for the film, which isn’t really that different than what’s already out there, save a few bells and whistles and quotes and laurels, etc. Check it out below. The film will open in New York on Dec. 23rd to qualify, and will expand nationwide in January.