Okay, this is not Oscar related. At all. In the slightest. Though maybe it should be. I’m in the tank for “Beavis and Butt-Head.” Always have been. Always will be. So you can bet I’ll be parked in front of the tube tonight when MTV finally brings the dummy duo back for a new wave of original programming. I’ve been stoked ever since the announcement was made. And the material that has been released so far, well, it has me in the aisles. And I’ll probably even check out the new show that will follow, “Good Vibes.” It’s nice that the network is at least testing the waters of stuff that isn’t wall-to-wall reality programming. With that in mind, Kimberly Potts offers up 14 great Beavis and Butt-Head moments to welcome them back. [The Box]
HitFix’s own Alan Sepinwall, meanwhile, favorably reviews the return. [What’s Alan Watching?]
In honor of “Anonymous,” five reimaginings of Shakespearean classics with today’s auteurs. [Movieline]
David Poland sits down with the film’s director, Roland Emmerich. [The Hot Blog]
“The King’s Speech” screenwriter David Seidler to keynote 2011 Nicholl Fellowships presentation. [Oscars.org]
The fetching new poster for London fest award winner “We Need to Talk About Kevin.” [Awards Campaign]
Steven Spielberg talks smack about “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” [Empire]
Glenn Close to be feted at Palm Springs fest. [Variety]
Anton Yelchin tells Eric Kohn that “Like Crazy” awakened a desire to finance indies of his own. [indieWIRE]
Eddie Murphy is forced to make it clear what has been clear since the night of the 2008 Oscars (unless you’re out for sensationalized headlines, of course): he didn’t leave the show in a huff due to losing Best Supporting Actor. [Rolling Stone]
Sasha Stone gets passionate about NC-17 and Oscar. [Awards Daily]