Welcome to Cinejabber, your weekly place to babble on about this or that to your heart’s content.
It was a short week for me as I was out of town last weekend and didn’t get to the usual Monday column, but that will be back on track next week. It’s a holiday weekend, and I’m looking forward to just keeping it low key in the house with some scary movies.
On that front, I was watching Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” last night, still for me one of the greatest thrillers ever conceived directorially. It struck me while watching it — probably because of yesterday morning’s “Titanic 3D” presentation — that, while I’m aware it’s sacrilege, “The Shining” would be all the more stunning with a quality 3D conversion. Hear me out. Kubrick always worked with a dramatic depth of field, but that film in particular plays with foreground/background in ways that are already unsettling in two dimensions. Imagine further immersion. Just thinking out loud.
Anyway, elsewhere this weekend I happened upon this featurette for the upcoming “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol,” which features mad man Tom Cruise scaling, flinging around and running down the face of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai like he was Spider-Man. Fearless. And I can’t believe the insurance people let him do it! I’m stoked for the film, but stuff like this just puts a smile on my face. I just love that guy.
Anyway, that’s all I really have to get you going, but the floor is yours. Open thread. Have at it.