It’s been a while since I linked a SoundWorks Collection profile. That needs to be remedied.
It’s a pretty varied and fun week at the theaters this holiday weekend, with “Hugo” and “The Artist” making their way to theaters. But if you were to ask me what’s worth seeing, I’d double down on “The Muppets” in a heartbeat.
The film is a nostalgia fest built into a massive musical with plenty of tunes in the mix. Naturally, then, it’s worth considering the sound elements on the film. Gerard was smart to mention it in a recent Tech Support column dedicated to the Best Sound Mixing category. And I’m happy to see that the SoundWorks Collection has dedicated a profile to that work on the film, featuring interviews with mixer Kevin O’Connell and supervising sound editors Kami Asgar and Sean McCormack, among others. Have a look (and listen) below.
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[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/32188511 w=640&h=360]