It’s been interesting finding myself caught in the middle on a great many films this year that have sparked passion on both sides of the scale. Watching the pendulum swing between love and hate on “J. Edgar,” “The Help” and now, “Hugo,” has been strange, because I can’t passionately argue one case over the other, but I sympathize with both. We first mentioned the idea of 2011 as a season of films about nostalgia a few weeks back, and that narrative has continued to take hold. Mark Harris recently spotlighted it, but went a step further into accusing films like “The Artist” and “Hugo” of “faux-nostalgia, pegging the latter for being “not a valentine to the dawn of movies [but] a valentine to the people who send those valentines.” Flattery, he seems to surmise, will get you everywhere with the Academy. [Grantland]
David Poland talks to “Young Adult” star Charlize Theron. [Hot Blog]
In honor of “W.E.,” Madonna’s five best moments on screen. [Movieline]
Glenn Kenny has his say on #teammargaret. [Some Came Running]
Peter Knegt commits to predicting the precursors. I can’t summon it anymore. [indieWIRE]
Angelina Jolie is being sued for copyright infringement over “In the Land of Blood and Honey.” [Hollywood, esq.]
Dave Karger runs a comb through his predictions. [Entertainment Weekly]
Sasha Stone on keeping the faith this time of year. [Awards Daily]
Albert Brooks talks about going to dark places for “Drive” at a recent Q&A for the film. [24 Frames]