Remember that exchange on “Entourage” a few years back? Something about Clint Eastwood being set up at Warner Bros. for decades. “We give him $90 million to make movies now,” the studio head said. To which Turtle quipped, “I heard he uses 60 and pockets 30. That’s why he only does one take.” Like so much of the show, it was inside baseball, but it cracked me up. Anyway, the point being, Eastwood has been a fixture on that lot seemingly since the dawn of time. Every once in a while he’s ventured out and done a film with another studio, but home base is Warner Bros. So it makes sense for a handsome boxed set of his work there to hit the market. Enter “Clint Eastwood: 35 Films 35 Years at Warner Bros.,” which would make a great Christmas gift for the Eastwood fanatic in your family. It has everything from “Where Eagles Dare” to “Invictus.” [Amazon]
Charlie Rose sits down with “Moneyball” director Bennett Miller and stars Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill. [CharlieRose.com]
The Castro Theatre of San Francisco to be revamped for live performance. [The Petrelis Files]
Donna Freydkin chats with “We Need to Talk About Kevin” star Tilda Swinton. [USA Today]
Happy 150th birthday, Georges Méliès. [MUBI Notebook]
Jason Reitman talks “Young Adult” and his LACMA live reading series. [Collider]
“Hugo” star Asa Butterfield on Martin Scorsese’s film school. [Huffington Post]
David Poland sits down with the Dardennes brothers to talk “The Kid with a Bike” [Hot Blog]
Billy Crystal gets the Gary Marshall seal of approval. [Carpetbagger]
Greg Ellwood talks “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” with Best Supporting Actor contender Alan Rickman. [Awards Campaign]