Alright, I’m pushing through these this week, so we’re calling it on yesterday’s limerick contest. Congratulations to JOHN G who wins our screenplay giveaway. John, if you’re reading, please drop me a line with your address so we can get you your prizes. (And SHARKMAN, you were one of the “Rango” winners, so do the same so I can mail yours out, too.)
Moving right along, I have a pair of books — source material for two of the season’s contenders: Lionel Shriver’s “We Need to Talk About Kevin” and Jonathan Foer’s “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.” On the surface, these two stories have absolutely nothing in common. But both film adaptations feature strong young actor performances (from Ezra Miller and Thomas Horn, respectively), so I’ll use that as a spring board.
In 100 words or less, make your case for one of the year’s child actors (there are a number of them under 21, from Saoirse Ronan to Hunter McCracken to Shailene Woodley to Elle Fanning, etc.). Why does he or she deserve to be in the Oscar race? The best entry wins both novels and a little extra accoutrement (since this is the time of year when swag is overloading my house). Now… Go!