The Utah Film Critics Association has chosen “Drive” as the Best Picture of the year. The film also won Best Supporting Actor for Albert Brooks and Best Cinematography. The group handed two awards to Jonathan Levine’s “50/50,” Best Actor for Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Best Original Screenplay. Check out the full list of winners below.
Best Picture: “Drive” (Runner-up: “The Artist”)
Best Director: Michel Hazanaicius, “The Artist” (Runner-up: Nicolas Winding Refn, “Drive”)
Best Actor: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, “50/50” (Runer-up: Jean Dujardin, “The Artist”)
Best Actress: Michelle Williams, “My Week with Marilyn” (Runner-up: Rooney Mara, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”)
Best Supporting Actor: Albert Brooks, “Drive” (Runner-up: Christopher Plummer, “Beginners”)
Best Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan, “Win Win” (Vanessa Redgrave, “Coriolanus)
Best Adapted Screenplay: “The Descendants” (“The Muppets”)
Best Original Screenplay: “50/50” (Runner-up: “Beginners”)
Best Cinematography: “Drive” (Runner-up: “The Tree of Life”)
Best Animated Feature: “Rango” (Runners-up: “The Adventures of Tintin” and “Kung Fu Panda 2”)
Best Documentary Feature: “Senna” (Runner-up: “Project Nim”)
Best Non-English Language Feature: “A Separation” (Runner-up: “13 Assassins”)
Best sure to keep track of the ups and downs of the 2011-2012 film awards season via The Circuit.
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