One more sleep until Christmas, a day when the usual social restrictions on kitsch, sentimentality and sugar of all forms are lifted, as we all revel in shiny objects, soft lighting and Frank Capra movies. Not coincidentally, it’s also the day Steven Spielberg’s unabashedly saccharine “War Horse” is opening — but many displeased critics aren’t affording it the customary seasonal leeway, taking the film to task for its chocolate-box styling and blatant emotional manipulation. But is it the film that’s too cynical, or the critics? Taking into account other schmaltzy recent releases, including “We Bought a Zoo” and “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” Sasha Stone ponders the challenges of selling sentimentality in the 21st century. [Awards Daily]
Daniel Craig talks to Ryan Gilbey about headlining two very different genre franchises. [The Guardian]
Some people are offended by “The Iron Lady” and “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” — for different reasons, obviously. [The Carpetbagger]
Bennett Miller and some of the craftsmen behind “Moneyball” (including Oscar-winning DP Wally Pfister) get the round-table treatment. [The Hot Blog]
As “Margaret” gets re-released in New York City after a critical resurrection, Ed Douglas ponders its mysteries. [Coming Soon]
Marc Lee looks at the Oscar race and thinks it boils down to “The Artist” versus “The Descendants.” I think he’s only 50% right. [The Telegraph]
One for the last-minute Christmas shoppers: Glenn Kenny offers a gift guide of some recent Blu-ray releases. [Some Came Running]
Finally, some blogosphere inside baseball: Indiewire’s Brian Brooks is moving to Deadline. We wish him well. [Indiewire]