It’s been a nice end-of-year push from #teammargaret on behalf of a number of critics, no doubt feeling empowered by their position (and perhaps allowing their opinion of Kenneth Lonergan’s film to inflate a bit in the wake of perceived lack of support from the studio — which is itself a stretch of the truth). And it looks like victory, as according to Esquire critic Mike D’Angelo, screeners have been sent to the Academy for the group’s consideration. Perhaps all the fuss that has been kicked up over this one will force members to satisfy their curiosity and put the film in the player. And who knows? Maybe we’ll get a surprise or two from the writers or actors branches. At least the possibility is alive, now. [Twitter]
Jeffrey Wells, meanwhile, is on board. He’s revised his year-end top 10 to include the film. [Hollywood Elsewhere]
Spotlighting the year’s 22 worst films. [Film School Rejects]
Sasha Stone says the reviews for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” are “annoying and off point, written by men, too many men.” She spotlights a review by a young woman to beef up her point. [Awards Daily]
Oh, wait, smart women find things to loathe about it and can surgically take it to task, too. So, I guess we can’t be so reductive after all. [Movies.com]
Steven Zaillian, meanwhile, on changing Stieg Larsson story and the ending. [Entertainment Weekly]
Rebecca Keegan talks “The Iron Lady” with actress Meryl Streep and director Phyllida Lloyd. [Los Angeles Times]
D’oh! Baz Luhrmann bumped his head on the set of “The Great Gatsby.” Stop the presses. [Sydney Morning Herald]
David Poland sits down with “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” star Max von Sydow. [Hot Blog]
Tim Appelo looks at four recent home video releases that could figure into the awards race. [The Race]