Gary Oldman”s career has been a frequent topic of conversation of late at In Contention. Two recent interview pieces focused on his work in “JFK” and “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy,” respectively and a secondary list focused on his most notable performances.
But it appears as though we are not the only ones who believe the actor deserves a bit of well-earned recognition at this stage in his career.
The Palm Springs International Film Festival selected the Oldman for its International Star Award earlier this month, and now, the Arclight Hollywood has announced that it will host a six-film retrospective of character portraits starring Oldman – all of which make an appearance on Kris”s aforementioned top 10 Gary Oldman performances list.
This is a free three-night event from January 9-11, culminating with an in-person Q&A with Oldman following a screening of Focus Features”s “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” at 8pm on Wednesday, January 11. Focus is co-hosting the series with radio station KCRW.
One would imagine the hope is to draw attention to both the film and its star as the precursor season crests towards its conclusion.
The other films being screened in the series are:
“Sid and Nancy” (1986) on Monday, January 9 at 6:30pm
“JFK” (1991) on Monday, January 9 at 9pm
“The Contender” (2000) on Tuesday, January 10 at 6pm
“Dracula” (1992) on Tuesday, January 10 at 9pm
“Prick Up Your Ears” (1987) on Wednesday, January 11 at 5:30pm
If you are an LA local, and an Oldman fan, you can RSVP for free tickets at www.OldmanRSVP.com. I’m imagining these are going to move very quickly.
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