Captain Haddock, the crusty seadog sidekick of boy-wonder reporter Tintin, has, as even casual readers of the Hergé comics know, a bit of a drinking problem. It’s a weakness the books always treated as greater cause for comedy than concern, and Steven Spielberg’s “The Adventures of Tintin” follows suit, hinging several gags on the Andy Serkis-voiced character’s alcoholism. Fine by me, but others seem worried about treating the subject so lightly in a piece of family entertainment. David Haglund looks into the issue, also wondering if Spielberg is a more booze-friendly filmmaker than his wholesome reputation suggests. [Slate]
Rounding up the strongest dark horses in the Oscar race, from “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” to “Melancholia.” [Vulture]
Sasha Stone wonders why Tate Taylor, director of “The Help,” isn’t getting more awards attention. That’d be because the film isn’t very well directed. [Awards Daily]
Scott Tobias and Tasha Robinson debate the merits of “Hugo” — a terrific read for fans and detractors alike. [A.V. Club]
With children’s and young adult fiction at the root of many major 2011 releases, a group of authors (yay, Lois Lowry!) offer thoughts on what properties they’d like to see hit screens in 2012. [Salon]
Meanwhile, Anita Singh anticipates that 2012 will be a big year for films aimed at the over-50 market. [The Telegraph]
Eric Eisenberg lists the 10 most disappointing films of the year. Fine, but who really had high expectations for “Cars 2?” [Cinema Blend]
Looking back on the year’s biggest underperformers, and asking the essential question: who thought a birdwatching comedy was a good idea? [The Playlist]
The wonderful Olivia Colman, still working the publicity circuit for “Tyrannosaur” and “The Iron Lady,” talks to David Poland. [Hot Blog]