So, the Golden Globes. I suppose I should write something about them, given that I went to the trouble of posting (lousy) predictions and all, but my throbbing head doesn’t really want to go back to that place. It was a night where “The Artist” cemented its frontrunner status, “The Descendants” was rather half-heartedly crowned its official opposition, the HFPA renewed their vows with George Clooney and Meryl Streep, and “W.E.” won more awards than “Drive,” “Shame,” “We Need to Talk About Kevin” and “Moneyball” combined. I might comment more later, but for now, I echo pretty much every word of Tim Robey’s dismayed Telegraph review of the affair, coming down equally hard on the uninspired list of winners and Ricky Gervais’s disappointingly flat hosting job. Better luck next year. [The Telegraph]
Katey Rich draws five conclusions about the Oscar race from last night’s hijinks. [Cinema Blend]
Love this: the best reaction shots from the broadcast, and what they tell us. [Vulture]
Golden Globe live-blogs are a dime a dozen, but Nick Davis’s is one of the precious few that reads just as deliciously after the fact. [Nick’s Flick Picks]
Meanwhile, if you’re feeling a little sour about the Globes, Tom Shone offers 10 reasons why they’re better than the Oscars. [Taking Barack to the Movies]
David Poland sits down with one of the last night’s winners, “The Artist” composer Ludovic Bource. This time, he does not apologize for being French. [Hot Blog]
Steve Pond examines a number of the lower-profile ffilms in the running for the foreign-language Oscar, including Cannes winner “Once Upon a Time in Anatolia” and Icelandic gem “Volcano.” [The Odds]
R. Kurt Osenlund offers his thoughts on who will — and who should — be nominated in that weirdly floppy Best Supporting Actor category. [Slant]
Hey, Sundance is on the way. Brooks Barnes examines the road that led recently tarnished A-list directors Spike Lee and Stephen Frears to debut their news films there. [New York Times]