Fresh off “The Artist”‘s BAFTA dominance earlier today, we might as well post last night’s “Saturday Night Live” riff on Michel Hazanavicius’s film. Hey, when you hit SNL, you’ve really made it.
Jean Dujardin stopped by 30 Rock for a bit of shenanigans with gust host Zooey Deschanel and cast member Taran Killam for that French bit, “Le Jeunes de Paris.” It’s not particularly interesting and I’m sure any number of people across the country were thinking, “Who’s that guy?” But they’ll all remember back on this sketch when “The Artist” wins Best Picture in a couple of weeks.
Kristen Wiig made a quick appearance as Bérénice Bejo’s Peppy Miller, so I guess it was kind of neat to see her and fellow Oscar nominee Dujardin cut a rug. It’s not as good as Dujardin’s Funny or Die thing a few days ago, but it’ll do. Check out an embed of the sketch below. Meanwhile, here is HitFix’s Ryan McGee with a recap of the entire show.
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