So, what did you see over the weekend? “21 Jump Street,” possibly — though to judge from recent chatter on Twitter and elsewhere, no new release got people more excited over the past two days than the 150-second trailer for Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus,” the possible “Alien” prequel with a dream cast headed up by Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender. Multiplex junkies and critics alike have been drooling over the possibilities since the first teasers debuted months ago; each new scrap that gets released seems only to heighten expectations.
Some readers asked why we haven’t chimed in with our own take on the latest trailer — it’s certainly not because we aren’t psyched for the film, which ranked at #3 in our Most Anticipated of 2012 list. Kris, of course, is on pre-wedding hiatus, though I’m sure he’d have thoughts on it otherwise. I, meanwhile, have no thoughts whatsoever on this or any other “Prometheus” trailer — not least because I have painstakingly avoided seeing the lot. My no-trailers diet is still in effect for the most part, and I’m far too intrigued by this on-paper proposition to spoil my appetite now.
So, as much as it pains me… I got nothin’. But over at neighboring blog Motion Captured, Drew McWeeny muses on the new trailer, in addition to other marketing bits and bobs. and concludes that, while the publicity has been coy on the matter, there’s no doubting the film’s prequel status. I’ve seen other blogs, meanwhile, pondering the differences between the US and UK trailers — people are truly scutinizing everything they can lay their hands on with this one.
Anyway, some of asked for a space to unload your thoughts on the matter, and here it is. I’ve included both trailers below — geek out to your heart’s content. I’ll be the one in the corner covering my ears and humming loudly.
For more views on movies, awards season and other pursuits, follow @GuyLodge on Twitter.
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