Did you catch the debate tonight? Most seem to agree: no matter your politics, Jim Lehrer loses. Okay, maybe that’s harsh. And you heard Romney, Lehrer has a pink slip coming anyway.
In any case, much has been made of Steven Spielberg’s desire to keep “Lincoln” out of the election cycle so as to not be seen as attempting to impact the proceedings. Hence the AFI Fest premiere and a November release AFTER the election. Regardless, Disney isn’t above using the occasion to drum up interest in the movie, and so a new two-minute TV spot aired tonight with the debate.
The immediate contrast with the trailer that has already been released is the music, which makes this thing feel like Al Pacino is going to pop out any minute and scream, “YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER!” It’s Dramatic with a capital “D,” even if it basically uses the same footage as the other version. There are a few additions, however.
What’s interesting is the choice to end with Lincoln’s proclamation, defiantly conveyed by Daniel Day-Lewis: “I am the President of the United States of America, clothed in immense power!” It’s a defining moment for the president as it represented his utmost conviction in deliberating over the addition of the 13th amendment to the Constitution. Spielberg may want to stay away from the election, but the juxtaposition of that against our own Commander-in-Chief’s somewhat diminutive showing tonight is, well, striking.
Check out the new spot below and tell us what you think of it in the comments section below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_PfTl63qQQ&w=640&h=360]
“Lincoln” opens in theaters November 9.