With the greatest of respect to a beautiful country, Spain’s box office doesn’t usually rate much of a mention — but it seem worth mentioning when it addresses at least one question mark hovering over one of this year’s Oscar hopefuls. Juan Antonio Bayona’s tsunami drama “The Impossible” didn’t get quite the level of buzz some expected out of Toronto: many reviews were strong, but others took issue with the filmmakers’ decision to turn the true-life story of a Spanish family, the Belons, into one about a fictional British brood, allowing for more Hollywood-friendly casting. As it turns out, Spanish audiences couldn’t care less: the film has been a domestic smash, shattering local records with its opening four-day gross. Will it connect with audiences Stateside in a tough holiday release slot? [Variety]
So, Glenn Kenny and Jeff Wells got together to record an Oscar podcast. Somehow, no fatalities occurred. [Hollywood Elsewhere]
Tom Shone on why “Life of Pi” is “one of the few films that has the potential to go all the way” at the Oscars. [These Violent Delights]
David Cox dislikes “Frankenweenie,” and uses this as a springboard for a piece on why computer animation is superior to stop-motion. What a pity we can’t have both, eh? [The Guardian]
“Seven Psychopaths?” That’s nothing. R. Kurt Osenlund rounds up 15 of the best crazies from the big screen. [The House Next Door]
Inspired by Ben Affleck’s success with “Argo,” Kyle Rupprecht takes a look at other major stars to have worked out the trick of directing themselves. [Moviemaker]
It may have been sidelined at Cannes, but “Holy Motors” received its due at the Sitges Film Festival this weekend taking both the Best Film and Best Director prizes. [Screen]
Nathaniel Rogers catches up with foreign Oscar hopefuls “No” and “Amour” at the NYFF, and thinks both deserve serious consideration. [The Film Experience]
Scott Feinberg has another “exclusive” from the Hollywood Film Awards: Dustin Hoffman is their Breakthrough Director of the Year for “Quartet.” Surely there’s a difference between “breaking through” and “trying one’s hand at something?” [The Race]
David Poland sits down with Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis to discuss “Cloud Atlas.” [The Hot Blog]