If you’ve been paying attention to HitFix’s on-going 2013 Summer Movie Preview Countdown, you know what the site’s staff is eagerly anticipating as we turn the corner into blockbuster season. High concept entertainment like the comic book stylings of “Iron Man 3,” “Man of Steel” and “The Wolverine” have already been mentioned, as well as other genre fare, from westerns (“The Lone Ranger”) to horror (“The Conjuring”), comedy (“The World’s End”) to sci-fi (“Star Trek Into Darkness”). How will the top five turn out next week? We’ll know soon enough, but in the meantime, we’ve cooked up a list of under-the-radar goodies to check out in between all the big budget fun.
Counter-programming is a time-tested way for studios to bring in audiences amid the usual summer extravaganzas. Indie dramas and smaller efforts can find a foothold, but gems get lost in the fray, too. We thought we would point you to a few worth considering here at In Contention. So click through the gallery below for our tip sheet, and go ahead and let us know what films you’re anticipating this summer in the comments section.