If you followed along with our summer movie countdown over the last few weeks, you saw that Guillermo Del Toro’s “Pacific Rim” was #1 on the list. It beat out stiff competition from the likes of “Iron Man 3,” “Man of Steel” and “Star Trek Into Darkness,” and that’s no easy feat given that those are all films derived from intellectual properties with built-in fan bases. “Pacific Rim” is brand new, thought up out of clear blue sky from the mind of screenwriter Travis Beacham. That it was made at all is already a huge win. That excitement is at such a fever pitch is gravy.
My hunch is that the freshness of the concept could hold it back a bit at the box office, though. That’s just how these things work. It’s part of the “formula” that goes into the Hollywood machine that, ergo, cranks out familiar cookie-cutter product year in and year out. But of course I hope my hunch is wrong, and come what may, nothing will top “Pacific Rim” for sheer scale this year, of that you can be sure.
So it’s understandable, then, that Warner Bros. would cook up a bit of promotion that attempts to match that scale. Indeed, the tagline of the film is “Go big or go extinct,” and a new banner promotion embodies that spirit, to say the least. I mean…does this thing exist outside of a JPEG? Can you put it on a wall? It’s HUGE! If I was Beacham I’d have a room in my house dedicated to just wrapping this thing around all four walls. It’s a dazzling piece of promo art to whet the appetite as we await the film’s release.
Naturally, this thing is too big to fit in the confines of a puny blog post, so click on the image below to get the full monty.
“Pacific Rim” tears into theaters July 12.