Lars von Trier’s “Nymphomaniac” — a supposed sexual odyssey with a starry cast including Shia LaBeouf, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Uma Thurman, among others — is currently enjoying such a feverish level of anticipation that it could announce a new typeface for its credits and the internet would collectively freak out for a minute. So it’s inevitable that the first, minute-long clip to be revealed from the film has been eagerly seized upon by the web — and even more inevitable that von Trier has punked us with a wholly chaste clip that, alluring as it is, doesn’t reveal much of anything (or any of its famous faces). Come on, you didn’t think Lars was going to let the cat out of the bag just yet, did you?
Anyway, the scene comes from the first of eight chapters in the film, and features Stacy Martin as the youthful incarnation of Gaisbourg’s character, receiving some beginner sex tips on a train. It’s coolly sensual enough to keep our appetites as thoroughly whetted as they’ve been all along, and promises more gorgeous images from “Melancholia” DP Manuel Alberto Claro, but what else is there really to say? Other than that I can’t wait to see this, of course. My fingers are firmly crossed for a Venice Film Festival premiere.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMnJDyv2a1Y&w=640&h=360]