I haven’t yet had a chance to see “The Heat,” but it’s one of the summer studio movies I’ve been looking forward to most this year. Director Paul Feig’s “Bridesmaids,” if not a home run, made me laugh more than any film of its type in the last couple of years, and I’m a fully paid-up member of the Sandra Bullock fan club. (Why, yes, I do own a “Forces of Nature” DVD. Thanks for asking.) If you haven’t been paying attention, this is Bullock’s first leading role since winning the Oscar for “The Blind Side” nearly four years ago. Drew McWeeny didn’t enjoy the film but gives it a respectable B- rating, while many critics seem to be higher on Bullock’s chemistry with Melissa McCarthy than the film itself. Fine by me — commercial movies headlined by two female stars are rare enough these days that I can accept some compromise. Is this buddy comedy worthy of them? Vote in the poll after the jump, and share your thoughts in the comments.