For about 80% of James Mangold’s “The Wolverine,” I had a huge smile on my face. It was a pretty solid adaptation/re-imagination of the Chris Claremont/Frank Miller miniseries from 1982, it got the most out of a fresh environment for Hugh Jackman’s eponymous mutant and you could tell, for a variety of reasons, that an actual filmmaker was at the helm. Then…that third act. I won’t go into spoilers here (though assume the comments section will), but it was heartbreakingly awful and not in a nifty comic book way. It was more reminiscent of the dreadful “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” than anything else in the film and that just bummed me out.
But that’s me. Drew McWeeny had some forgiveness for it, and certainly I do, too, but I’d love to hear what you made of the film, which is kicking off midnight screenings on the east coast as we speak. So when/if you get to the movie this weekend, head on back here with your thoughts and feel free to vote in our poll below. (And remember to stay for the credits.) Or if there’s anything else you’ve caught up with recently that you’d like to discuss, consider this an open thread to do just that.