You can hear the machinery clicking to life. We’ve moved into August, meaning the Telluride Film Festival is just four short weeks away. Trailers are landing, festival announcements are filling email inboxes and soon enough the awards season will be in full swing.
As we inch closer, however, there are still a number of films that, at least on paper, would appear to have a lot of awards season potential. Many of them are playing the early fall fests, Toronto in particular, given the market for product at that annual showcase. It’s possible this studio or that decides some added firepower is needed and they go shopping for more Oscar players, but just as many will be scooped up for 2014 release.
With all that in mind, Guy and I have put our heads together to come up with a list of 15 that, at least to our eye, could figure into the race in some way big or small if acquired in a timely fashion. We’ve noted festival players, though in the case of Telluride — as ever — all we can do is guess. So we’ve hung a “maybe” out on a few in that regard.
Click through the gallery below to learn more and tell us what currently homeless film you think could be an awards season player in the comments section.