As a critic, it’s my job to see most major releases that come down the pike — but everyone’s allowed a few passes, and when it became clear to me that I wasn’t required to review “Kick-Ass 2” for any outlet, I had no regrets about skipping all screenings. That may be my loss. But the first big-screen outing for self-made superhero Dave Lizewski rubbed me the wrong the way in 2010, and I can’t imagine warming to its smugly ironic violence and queasy fetishization of Chloë Grace Moretz’s Hit Girl this time round, particularly when reviews, by and large, have been less enthusiastic than those of its predecessor. (HitFix’s Drew McWeeny, however, found plenty to enjoy in it.)
Still, I know the franchise has plenty of fans out there, and many may be curious to see what Jim Carrey brings to the equation in the sequel. After a summer where many superhero films have taken flak for being too po-faced, perhaps the timing is right for a jokier effort. Either way, we want to know what you think. Once you’ve seen the film, come back here to share your thought, and be sure to vote in the poll below.