Well, after a hard fought title dispute and a wave of passes from critics, the wait is over for audiences who might be eager to take in “Lee Daniels’ The Butler.” I’ve more or less had my say on this one. Whitaker is good. Winfrey is great. The film itself is a bit soft but lands its share of emotion here and there. The curiosity right now is box office. Will it turn the corner and beat out some of the higher concept competition? Will it start out quietly and build steam with legs? Or will it just be a whispered memory by the time the awards season really kicks into gear? Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised by any of those outcomes. But now it’s your turn to speak up. So when and if you see the film this weekend, head on back here with your thoughts and feel free to vote in our poll below. And if there’s something else you’ve seen recently and want to discuss, go right ahead — open thread.