Tell us what you thought of 'Thor: The Dark World'

Posted by · 12:56 pm · November 8th, 2013

Though I’m not terribly invested in the Marvel universe, and am definitely feeling the effects of superhero fatigue, I found myself looking forward to “Thor: The Dark World.” I was unexpectedly charmed by the literate sweep and dippy comedy of Kenneth Branagh’s franchise-starter two years ago, and a London set visit last year got me intrigued by the promised expansion of its story world. So I was disappointed to find the follow-up a more turgid, less cohesive offering, with the much-vaunted “darkness” translating mostly to digital murk, with less room for the cast to play — and Tom Hiddleston’s invaluable Loki confined to a box for far too long.

But that’s me. Others have been far more tickled, while Drew McWeeny was guardedly favorable. So, over to you: it’s been out internationally for over a week now, and hit US screens today, so share your thoughts if/when you’ve seen it, and be sure to vote in the poll below.  

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