Kris gave a great recap of the Governors’ Awards over the weekend, but as mentioned in this morning’s roundup, there are still plenty of people who would rather see the presentations for themselves instead of reading about them. The debate over the pros and cons of separating honorary Oscars from the actual Academy Awards ceremony will resurface annually until (if ever) the Academy reintegrates them. If it was a little more vocal this year, it’s because it’s not often that a superstar still at her professional peak — that’d be Angelina Jolie, the youngest ever recipient of the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award — is among the honorees, together with two household-name veterans.
The compromise, for now, is YouTube — the Academy has uploaded the presentations in their entirety, and while it’s not quite the same as watching it in the fever of Oscar night, at least we can share in what was clearly a touching occasion. I’ve embedded Jolie’s, Martin’s and Lansbury’s speeches below, but if you want to see more — including the introductory tributes from the likes of Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson and Gena Rowlands, along with the evening’s fourth award to the great (and absent) costume designer Piero Tosi,it’s all at the Academy’s YouTube channel.
The question now is how the Academy acknowledges the event on Oscar night. Wouldn’t it be nice, after a brief recap reel, to have Jolie, Lansbury and Martin come out on stage together to jointly present Best Picture? Anyone?
[youtube=://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ATgxOp31oI&w=640&h=360][youtube=://www.youtube.com/watch?v=381aYexNTuc&w=640&h=360][youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-qk2itNfzU?rel=0]