If you've ever been curious about the sometimes enigmatic machinery and inner workings of Hollywood's Oscar season, about its various players and how they impact the industry and business, HitFix has you covered. We're pleased to unveil the second annual Oscar Power List.
With all the other “power lists” you find in magazines and online surveying this or that cross-section of the industry, we at HitFix recognized an opportunity to shed more light on this sliver of the industry. Power brokers, influential artists, intrepid businessmen and women and creative strategists populate the Oscar landscape, and all of them are cogs in a massive wheel that turns with purpose each and every fall. Many of them our non-industry readers have heard of, others lurk behind the scenes and out of the spotlight, but all of them are of value in their own way.
There has obviously been plenty of slipping and sliding since last year's inaugural list of 30 top names was unveiled. Our own little formula for sussing out the order is one based on influence, pedigree and relevance. New faces have joined the party and others have stepped out of this particular spotlight, perhaps just for a time.
So without further ado, check out HitFix's 2014 Oscar Power List for a snapshot of this corner of the industry here and now.