If you caught “Saturday Night Live's” 40th anniversary special Sunday night, you saw some of this year's Oscar nominees capitalizing on the massive exposure opportunity with final Oscar ballots due Tuesday.
“American Sniper” star Bradley Cooper – who hasn't been too available this season due to Broadway commitments and recently granted a number of interviews to promote his work in the Clint Eastwood film – popped up in one of my favorite recent sketches, “The Californians.” (Sue me, I've always liked it.) What's more, he probably got one of the evening's biggest pops when he made out with Betty White to close the sketch…for a really long time. Good for you, young lady.
During the Weekend Update bit, “Birdman” stars Emma Stone and Edward Norton hit the desk with back-to-back odes to classic “SNL” characters. Stone's Roseanne Rosannadanna, made iconic by the late Gilda Radner, was top notch and a great use of her talents. And Norton was quite a convincing Stefon (though Bill Hader slid out for an assist).
By the way, there were six former Oscars hosts on the show: Alec Baldwin, Chevy Chase, Billy Crystal, James Franco, Steve Martin and Chris Rock. I also caught “Whiplash” nominee J.K. Simmons mingling about as well.
One might have expected guys like Steve Carell or Michael Keaton, given their comedy roots, to have found a way onto the program. But it was certainly not a program lacking for star power. And now the Oscars will hope they can top that act next week.
Check out a gallery of sights from the one-of-a-kind anniversary spectacular below.