Welcome to Oscar Talk.
In case you’re new to the site and/or the podcast, Oscar Talk is a weekly kudocast, your one-stop awards chat shop between yours truly and Anne Thompson of Thompson on Hollywood. The podcast is weekly, every Friday throughout the season, charting the ups and downs of contenders along the way. Plenty of things change en route to Oscar’s stage and we’re here to address it all as it unfolds.
This week’s podcast is mainly dedicated to the best films of the year, but first, there is plenty of business to attend to with the BFCA, SAG and Golden Globe announcements. We address how the week has changed up the race.
And next it’s on to the bulk of the show as we reveal our separate top 10 lists of the best films of the year. All in all 21 films are mentioned across various honorable mentions and whatnot, and we share four films on our separate lists (which themselves ended up taking on interesting separate but similar shapes). — IF YOU’D LIKE TO SKIP TO THE TOP 10, it begins around the 12:20 mark.
Have a listen to the new podcast below. IT’S A LONG ONE. If the file cuts off for you at any time, try the back-up download link at the bottom of this post. You to subscribe to Oscar Talk via iTunes here. And as always, if you have a question you’d like us to address on a future podcast, send it to OscarTalk@HitFix.com.
“Here I Come” courtesy of Stuart Park.