Yesterday I asked via the Off the carpet column what films and/or performances needed some wind in their sails from the upcoming critics awards circuit. But now is also the time to strike for a film like “Moneyball,” which has that flash of effortless panache that seems to be missing this season. Smartly, the campaign has started showing signs of life as Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill participated in a Los Angeles post-screening Q&A for the film Sunday night. I wouldn’t say anything is falling away, but nothing appears to be running away with it. So, carpe diem. Sophia Savage was on hand Sunday. [Thompson on Hollywood]
Pete Hammond exhaustively reports on something that, in the final analysis, doesn’t even look likely to happen: an Oscar move to January. [Deadline]
Steve Pond poses and answers 10 burning questions about this year’s Oscar season. [The Odds]
On the slack-key native tunes of the Hawaii-set “The Descendants.” [The Envelope]
Sasha Stone talks to “A Dangerous Method” star Viggo Mortensen. [Awards Daily]
Steven Zeitchik wonders if “Hugo” is in it for the box office long haul. [24 Frames]
Martin Scorsese talks the film across the pond. [Independent]
Bérénice Bejo on the “The Artist,” sequel futility and the joys of Peppy Miller. [Movieline]
The Gray Lady’s awards blog is back on the case, with Michael Cieply chatting up honcho Harvey Weinstein. [Carpetbagger]
The original ending for “The Muppets” was more upbeat. [Badass Digest]