Angelina Jolie bigs up Ewan McGregor with a private screening of 'The Impossible'

Posted by · 10:56 am · November 19th, 2012

She praises the “extraordinary emotional depth” of McGregor’s performance while hosting a screening at London’s Soho Hotel.

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Roundup: The kids are more than all right

Posted by · 5:00 am · October 2nd, 2012

Also: The rise of Lionsgate, and India’s complex Oscar history.

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Tom Holland, 16-year-old star of 'The Impossible,' joins the Best Actor race

Posted by · 2:13 pm · August 27th, 2012

We’ve seen it time and again. Young performers like Hailee Steinfeld (“True Grit”), Mary Badham (“To Kill a Mockingbird”) and Tatum O’Neal (“Paper Moon”), though largely considered leads in their films, are campaigned in the supporting ranks. But in the case of young Tom Holland in Juan Antonio Bayona’s “The Impossible”: not so fast.

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With 'The Impossible' and 'Perks,' Summit has a one-two awards season punch

Posted by · 7:15 am · August 21st, 2012

Bayona and Chbosky bring exciting visions to two completely different stories.

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Filed in: HitFix · In Contention