I’m not seeing anything until tonight at 9:30 (at Roy Thompson Hall!) so I thought I’d drop in and start sharing the general vibe on films I’m disappointed I haven’t seen yet have still managed to truly be talked about.
Please note that gathering buzz off the street is far from a science but this is the honest word that I’ve heard…

Without any question the hot ticket of the festival. It was impossible to purchase tickets and on a Sunday morning, people were into the rush lineup three hours in advance! (Normally, showing up an hour in advance would get you into ANYTHING).
The film has been somewhat divisive but those who like it tend to love it. And many more people tend to like it than dislike it. There has also been considerable praise for Pitt. Though the fact that he thoroughly charmed everyone up here doesn’t hurt in that regard.
Stranger than Fiction
With luck, I’ll be seeing this shortly after the festival. And I’m really looking forward to it as I haven’t heard a single bad thing about it.
Away From Her
A media darling of the last couple of days, I could easily see this winning the People’s Choice Award. Sarah Polley is so loved by her hometown that it’s hard to separate hype from reality but this has really gotten people talking, especially concerning Christie and another beloved Canadian, Gordon Pinset.
The Lives of Others
This German film which I had never heard of got a standing ovation at its premiere at the Elgin the other night (not that common an occurence in Toronto) and since has become quite a buzz-magnet on the street. Apparently VERY loved, a woman who I was behind in line said emphatically “it will definitely be released”.

Copying Beethoven
I unfortunately just missed seeing this yesterday, being about 10 people away from getting in via the rush line (damn the Spadina streetcar for being so crowded!). The film has now come and gone and…really hasn’t gotten people talking. The only talk I've heard was second-hand from a woman in front of me in line. Her friend said it was good (if not great). Yet the little tiny blurb I saw in the Globe and Mail (the only blurb I've seen) was decidedly underwhelming. That said, it did praise Harris as the best thing about the film, also stating it is visually impressive.
Meanwhile, I thought I’d add the vibe I'm getting on films I have seen. After all, my opinion is not Gospel:
“The Wind that Shakes the Barley”: Most people don’t seem to like it. I understand why (it certainly didn’t deserve the Palm) but I still maintain it’s a good film.
“Volver”: Cruz, like Pitt, charmed the socks off everyone while she was here. And, as always, Almodovar was embraced by Toronto with open arms.
“Venus”: O’Toole’s performance a mini-event while the film was screening. The name ‘Peter O’Toole’ is still often heard in cafés and lineups.
“A Good Year”: No one is talking about it.
“Catch a Fire”: The ink that has come down has been positive (if not overwhelming) but I’ve seldom heard it discussed on the street.
“All the King’s Men”: Getting ravaged.
“For Your Consideration”: Enjoyed – if not always loved – by pretty much everyone. At least every lay man. And how could you not enjoy it? That O'Hara and Guest are Canadians never hurts in getting an embrace from Toronto.
“Little Children”: I’m surprised this hasn’t been more discussed. Mostly it’s been fans outside the InterContinental waiting for Winslet. Though Haley is getting very fine ink and praise from the few other opinions on the film that I’ve heard. A shame he wasn't here.
“The Last King of Scotland”: Mostly getting media attention for Forest Whitaker’s performance; I haven’t heard comments on it outside the screening I was at yesterday. Though my friend who works in the Chapters beside the theatre it played at yesterday “heard it was really good”. Take it for what it’s worth.
What have you heard about The Fountain?
Posted by: chaz | September 13, 2006 04:08 PM
Nothing terribly good.
But I'll be seeing it soon so I'll tell you what I personally think then.
Posted by: Gerard Kennedy
| September 13, 2006 04:41 PM
Thanks a lot i'll be looking forward to it.
Posted by: chaz | September 13, 2006 04:44 PM
any word on Inland Empire? I obviously don't think any oscars nods are in it's future, but I am anxiously awaiting some positive reactions at least.
Posted by: eraserhead
| September 13, 2006 08:14 PM